Blog Posts

Garra Farm | Excellence and Transparency through Blockchain


  • Transparency to consumers
  • Internationalization and support for commercial networks


  • Product Onboarding
  • Trusty Annual License

Shared data:

  • 2 Registered products
  • 10 + Lots surveyed

Our adventure with Azienda Agricola Garra began in 2019, the company was one of the first to use the platform, the company decided to implement Trusty to increase product transparency and promote the nationally and internationally.

Azienda Agricola Garra, located on a beautiful hillside overlooking the sea, is passionately dedicated to the production of high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Antonello Garra, the farm's owner, tells us how innovative blockchain technology has helped make transparency and traceability the added value of his oil, allowing it to stand out from the competition and properly inform consumers to fully appreciate his product.

The Project: Goals and Challenges

Project Goals.

The main objective of the project to use the platform was to create a comprehensive and transparent traceability system that could guarantee the consumer a quality and sustainable product. The innovations introduced by the project were also intended to communicate all the sustainable activities put in place by the company as well as to meet regulations on traceability and retraceability (178/2002) and environmental label regulations.


During project development, the most critical issues were related to the incorporation of various technologies, data manipulation, and end-user interaction. A compromise had to be sought between the adoption of sophisticated technologies and ease of use for the customer.

Results: Traceability and Sustainability

Trusty: the blockchain platform for the Agricola Garra company

Thanks to a collaboration with Trusty, Antonello Garra has integrated blockchain technology into the management of his company. The Trusty platform makes it possible to monitor the entire production process of Garra extra virgin olive oil, thus ensuring maximum transparency and traceability.

Consumer education and information

In recent years, Azienda Agricola Garra has embarked on a journey to educate and inform consumers about the benefits of extra virgin olive oil and its derivatives. Through on-farm tastings, meetings, lectures and themed dinners, Antonello Garra wants to raise awareness and appreciation of his oil and the beautiful land where it is produced.

The Testimony

In this video made you can hear the testimony of Antonello Garra:


Azienda Agricola Garra, thanks to the passion and dedication ofAntonello Garra, produces a high-quality extra virgin olive oil,distinguished by transparency and traceability. The adoption of blockchain technology and the collaboration with Trusty have made it possible to make Garra oil a unique product, capable of responding to the needs of the most attentive and aware consumers.

To implement 🖐 Trusty in your company. contact us here.

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